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Re: Debian on laptop

On 14/06/2008, Tobias Nissen <tn@movb.de> wrote:
> alfa beta wrote:
>  > Question:
>  > Could you recommend me a laptop model, with all details, which works
>  > completely, or perfectly with Debian? Including audio-video hardware,
>  > and hardware for connection to Internet (I'm on cable modem, UPC is my
>  > provider).
> I don't know about your cable modem-thingy, we Germans are more the
>  ADSL kind of guys, but the Linux/Debian-support for the IBM/Lenovo
>  Thinkpad series is outstanding. A minor drawback is the support for the
>  ATI graphics adapters, but newer models seem to use Intel and NVidia
>  anyway.


There is hope with the cable modem. I have successfully used a
Motorola Surfboard modem using both the ethernet port (simple) and usb
port (it uses a supported ethernet over usb driver). I imagine that
other manufacturers would take this approach too as it is probably the


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