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Re: debian sid & gnome

2008/6/14 Florian Kulzer <florian.kulzer+debian@icfo.es>:
> [ Please try to turn off the HTML part of your messages. ]
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 14:18:40 +0800, Reeyarn wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've come accoss a similar problem, that my apt-get or aptitude wanted to
> > remove my gnome, gtk, etc. Almost ervery core module of gnome i think.(see
> > attached for the result of apt-get autoremove -s)
> [...]
> I think you are missing one or more of the following metapackages:
> gnome                     | The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components
> gnome-core                | The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components
> gnome-core-devel          | The GNOME Desktop Environment -- development components
> gnome-desktop-environment | The GNOME Desktop Environment
> gnome-devel               | The GNOME Desktop Environment -- development tools
> gnome-fifth-toe           | The GNOME Fifth Toe applications
> gnome-office              | The GNOME Office suite
> gnome-themes-extras       | various themes for the GNOME 2 desktop
> The metapackages themselves are "empty", but they protect other packages
> from autoremoval by depending on them.
> --
> Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
> Florian               |

Hi Kulzer,

I've got the problem. Thank you for that.

My gnome-desktop-environment is not installed, because it depends on
gnome-system-tools: depends: liboobs-1-3 (>= 2.19.91)
but 'libooobs-1-3' is unavailable in 'sid' right now.

Just wonder why I could still use gnome...amazine :)



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