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Re: blogging - alternative packages

* Brian McKee <brian.mckee@gmail.com> [080520 11:42]:
> On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 12:41 AM, Russell L. Harris <rlharris@oplink.net> wrote:
> > I am in search of a simplified approach to blog maintenance.  At the
> > present time, I have a blog which is maintained with WordPress.
> >
> > WordPress rapidly is increasing in complexity because features are
> > being added.  The procedure for backing up and restoring the MySQL
> > data base is complex.  And with the complexity comes the need for
> > frequent updates of the WordPress software; this is becoming a hassle.
> Wordpress does have plug ins to do updates and backups.
> I've found Wordpress Automatic Updater reduces a lot of the fiddling required.

I have been using the backup plug-in, but when it comes time to
restore, it is necessary to use MySQL from the desktop machine --
which is a pain.

As to updates, my hosting provider finally provides automatated
installation of WordPress, but with major version changes, there is
the need to backup and restore, and that is the point at which I now
find myself -- it isn't simple.


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