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Re: OT (slightly) swap limits

Damon L. Chesser wrote:
Being in an interview loop looking for employment, I find I am asked questions I never considered, for example: How much is enough swap?

Simple, right? Try answering it. Used to be the limit was 2G files/partitions with up to 8 partitions total. This does not apply anymore: I have seen customers with 32G of swap.

Not wanting to talk about what they did with 32G of swap, but I am trying to find documentation for the limits and the rules now.

For example: 2xRAM (or 1.5) is not considered valid any more is it? If you have 64G of ram, you need 128G of swap. But in truth I don't know and I am not finding much on google (lots covering the 2G OLD limit). What I want is documentation so I am not working off of opinion (read religious belief).

Got any links you want to share?


it is nice to know I was not nuts in my answer to their question. I thought perhaps technology moved ahead of me or I forgot something and I did not get the memo. But to be more clear, I am talking about servers. Anybody do anything different with servers or do we still stick with the 1.5/2X rule or perhaps the RH S=M+1 for >2G rule (with the nice stipulation that perhaps for machines with really large amounts of RAM you MIGHT use less)?

Damon L. Chesser

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