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Re: Preventing delayed USB writes

On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 12:00:57AM -0400, Brendan wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 May 2007, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > On 05/15/07 15:52, pedxing wrote:
> > >>> I would like to configure things so that, for instance, when
> > >>> I (ok, actually my wife) use konqueror to copy songs to my
> > >>> mp3 player, when the copy dialog says 100%, I can immediately
> > >>> unmount the device without having to wait for a delayed
> > >>> write.

> > IMNSHO, I would say to you: remember that Linux comes from a true
> > multi-user heritage from back when 9-track (reel-to-reel) tapes
> > ruled the data center, and were frequently dismounted and mounted.
> >
> > Thus, break the single-user mindset and proper unmount "tapes" when
> > you are finished using them.
> >
> > In GNOME, when you right-click on a USB stick icon there is a choice
> > to "Unmount volume".  I'm sure than KDE has something similar.  You
> > and your wife should just train yourselves to this new reality.
> Or, look into setting up sync....So that yanking something out doesn't do 
> damage.

If you set up sync, the yanking won't cause damage but the perpetual
syncing will; your choice.

> I love that you advise "Train yourselves to this new reality". Yeah, no.

How about, train yourself to use a computer properly or design a flash
memory that does not have a write-limited life expectancy.  Your
attitude is as if you were complaining that your device with a NiCad
battery dies if you leave it in the charger all the time; memory effect.
Lithium-Ion solved that for some applications but then again, LI doesn't
like to be charged only once a month but likes to live in a charger.
Right now, for flash memory devices there is no choice.  Linux is
protecting you from damaging both the file system (caused by just
yanking) and the underlying device (caused by frequent syncing).  You
are free to circumvent both and welcome with open arms (and wallet) all
the instability for which 'doze if infamous.


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