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Re: Preventing delayed USB writes

On May 16, 2:30 am, Ron Johnson <ron.l.john...@cox.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 05/15/07 15:52, pedxing wrote:
> >>> I would like to configure things so that, for instance, when
> >>> I (ok, actually my wife) use konqueror to copy songs to my
> >>> mp3 player, when the copy dialog says 100%, I can immediately
> >>> unmount the device without having to wait for a delayed
> >>> write.
> >>> I have looked at the mount man page, but it says the sync
> >>> option (which I think is what I want) is only available for
> >>> ext2/3 and ufs file systems.
> [snip]
> > I would rather not experiment on my wife's new mp3 player, but it
> >  would be a pain to force her to the command line every time she
> > wants to transfer music to it...
> Does she just yank it out?
> IMNSHO, I would say to you: remember that Linux comes from a true
> multi-user heritage from back when 9-track (reel-to-reel) tapes
> ruled the data center, and were frequently dismounted and mounted.
> Thus, break the single-user mindset and proper unmount "tapes" when
> you are finished using them.
> In GNOME, when you right-click on a USB stick icon there is a choice
> to "Unmount volume".  I'm sure than KDE has something similar.  You
> and your wife should just train yourselves to this new reality.
On May 16, 2:30 am, Ron Johnson <ron.l.john...@cox.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 05/15/07 15:52, pedxing wrote:
> >>> I would like to configure things so that, for instance, when
> >>> I (ok, actually my wife) use konqueror to copy songs to my
> >>> mp3 player, when the copy dialog says 100%, I can immediately
> >>> unmount the device without having to wait for a delayed
> >>> write.
> >>> I have looked at the mount man page, but it says the sync
> >>> option (which I think is what I want) is only available for
> >>> ext2/3 and ufs file systems.
> [snip]
> > I would rather not experiment on my wife's new mp3 player, but it
> >  would be a pain to force her to the command line every time she
> > wants to transfer music to it...
> Does she just yank it out?
> IMNSHO, I would say to you: remember that Linux comes from a true
> multi-user heritage from back when 9-track (reel-to-reel) tapes
> ruled the data center, and were frequently dismounted and mounted.
> Thus, break the single-user mindset and proper unmount "tapes" when
> you are finished using them.
> In GNOME, when you right-click on a USB stick icon there is a choice
> to "Unmount volume".  I'm sure than KDE has something similar.  You
> and your wife should just train yourselves to this new reality.
> - --
> Ron Johnson, Jr.

KDE has a "safely remove" option (just like windows!), which we are
to use.  But if you have written a lot (say 2-4 GB), then after a
minute or
so an error message pops up saying that it was unable to unmount,
the following processes are still accessing the drive, etc..

I understand that it is waiting to sync, but to the typical user it
looks like
an error.  The problem is that the sync takes a long time, but the
has no indication of how long.

That's why I've been going to a terminal and sync-ing from there,
at least that way I know when the prompt comes back, I can go back
and "safely remove", and it will work fine at that point.

Ideally, I would be able to turn the buffering off.  It might take
longer to complete the copy, but at least when it said that the
copy was complete, the copy would be complete and the unmount
wouldn't time out.  But I've been warned that turning sync off
will destroy the flash drive.

Somehow windows does this without destroying flash drives, I
wonder what the trick is.


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