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Re: [OT] The record industry, RIAA and US law

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Celejar wrote:
> On Wed, 09 May 2007 08:08:35 +0200
> Joe Hart <j.hart@orange.nl> wrote:
> [snip]
>> I learned in school politics = power, and power corrupts, so what it
>> boils down, how many politicians are trustworthy?  I say very few.
> <provocation>
> GNU / linux and Free Software are powerful; do they corrupt?
> </provocation>

My answer:  Yes, it does.  Why?  Because once one learns the power of
GNU/Linux, they will become the geeks that tell all the Windows users
how bad their system is and eventually may even refuse to associate with
them because they feel their former acquaintances are just stupid people
with no common sense, thus corrupting friendships.

It of course is better to adapt the attitude "Let's agree to disagree",
but alas, past Linux vs. Windows wars are evidence that the friendly way
out is often followed.

Needless to say, it really doesn't matter what people do with their
computers, as long as they are happy with them, but forcing other people
to do things their way can cause major friction.

That brings us right back on topic, because that is exactly what the
RIAA is trying to do.  Force us to adapt to their ideas of how media
should be used.  Bah!


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