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Re: [OT] The record industry, RIAA and US law

On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 11:39:06PM +0200, Joe Hart wrote:
> That type of law is one reason.  Iraq and general foreign policy is another.
See, I thought the main reason that many Europeans were opposed to US
involvement in Iraq was because they were illegally profiting in Iraq in
violation of the UN sanctions.

> Yes, we must hope.  To remove hope would admit defeat.  Although I do
> not have a lot of faith in any of the Democrats either.  As long as the
> political system does not change, I don't see a lot of progress being
> made.  There, you don't have enough strong political parties, here we
> have too many.
I think you are way wrong here.  The Republicans and Democrats are *so*
strong that they are effectively in a stalemate.  They are also so big
that they have effectively consigned every potential third party
contender to the sidelines.  Besides, lots of people (around 50%) in the
US still have more faith in the Republicans than they do in the



Roberto C. Sánchez

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