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Re: [OT] Good, evil and religion [WAS] Re: A way to compile 3rd party modules into deb system?

On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 09:34:56AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 05/09/07 08:24, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> [snip]
> >  3) Anything God does is, by definition, right.
> While true from a Believer's POV, relying on it for justification is
> an EXTREMELY slippery slope towards theocracy.
Why?  I don't claim to speak on God's behalf.  I simply point to the
record of His words/actions and say that it is right.  Besides, just
because God did/said something, in no way implies that I am free to
do/say the same things.

> 1500 years of state involvement by the Roman Catholic Church (with
> all the absolutely non-Christian stuff that members of it's
> hierarchy did), the 17th century Protestant witch hunts in northern
> Europe (the Massachusetts hunts paled in comparison), the Thirty
> Years War and, lastly but not least, *Islamofascism* all point to
> the problems that can occur when the ruling class convinces the
> demos that they (the ruling class) speaks for God, and that "God
> Says" to go do something.
Again, that is different from the point I was trying to make.

> Actually, though, Biblical Inerrancy and a population well-versed in
> the Bible that can think on it's own *should* be a buffer against
> such blatantly non-Christian activity.  This is because they should
> easily be able to determine that certain activities just manifestly
> go against the tone of the New Testament.
Those things don't just go against the tone of the New Testament, they
blatantly go against the direct teachings.  Of course, you hit it right
on the head when you point out that you need a population that is
well-versed in the Bible before a belief in biblical inerrancy can be
anything more than something by which to lead around sheeple.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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