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Re: [OT] Good, evil and religion [WAS] Re: A way to compile 3rd party modules into deb system?

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Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 07:08:42PM +1000, SB wrote:
>> Ron Johnson wrote:
>>> On 05/09/07 04:02, Jochen Schulz wrote:
>>>>> Ron Johnson:
>>>>>> And Christianity teaches "love your neighbor as yourself".
>>>>>> That doesn't mean that the humans who purport to believe in it
>>>>>> actually follow it correctly.
>>>>> In a religion that constantly reminds everyone that the "natural man is
>>>>> an enemy to God",
>>> You haven't read the Bible lately, have you?
>> Does it get updated on a regular basis ?
> It is feature complete and bug-free.  No need for updates.
> Regards,
> -Roberto

Uh, I beg to disagree.

1) Humans are spiritual by nature.

2) The bible that you refer to is full of contradictions.  If one is not
to commit murder, based in the Ten Commandments, then how can a god
request that one sacrifice one's son?  That is murder.  There are many
more examples, but that stands out to me.

However, I will agree that Christianity does preach moral goodness, but
historically, that has seldom been the practice.

3) If the Bible didn't need updates, then why are new versions created?
 Ah, differences in interpretation from the original.  Can one really
know what the authors' meant with certain metaphorical phraseology?
When there is no known speaker of the original language because it was
written so many hundreds of years ago and languages evolve it makes it
quite difficult to define precisely what ancient text means.  Not to
mention people can quibble over what the definition if is is. (Clinton)

Note that I am not against Christianity.  I am also not against any
other religion.  All I am saying is that what is written in the holy
book(s) is open for interpretation.


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