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Re: looking for mac-to-linux backup recommendations - OT

On 1-mei-2007, at 17:09, Miles Fidelman wrote:

Hi Folks,

I have a Mac on my desk at home, and I'm looking for a way to back it up to one of the Linux servers I have sitting in a data center.

Any suggestions as to what software is out there to make this as simple and automated as possible? (Obviously rsync is an option, but that doesn't quite get to the point of being able to recover a bootable disk image. Right now, I clone my hard drive to a 2nd local drive - I'm sort of wondering if there's a way to generate a remote image that would be net bootable for recovery purposes).

Thanks much,



I think that backup software should be as simple as possible, to make sure that in case of an emergency getting back on track is a no brainer. That's why I don't use nice strong network software like pcbackup or backula for backing up my Mac, but a simple solution: SuperDuper! (exclamation mark is part of the name). It is a simple client app that can be scheduled to launch, mount a network drive and backup to an imagefile. In case of disaster, booting from a cd, launching SuperDuper! and restoring the image is all that's needed and easy to do. I use it in combination with the Netatalk AFP server on Debian. Personally I wouldn't do this over an internet connection since performance would be less than exceptable. I'd use a local fileserver and from there make an overnight copy with a simple script to the remote machine.

It can also backup to a connecter drive if needed. Nice extra is that it's capable of creating a sandbox copy on the bootdisk, so you can play with you system and in case something doesn't turn out the way you like it, you can simply rewind to the former state.

Elas it's not FOSS, but cheap: $27.95




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