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RE: Please help to make a server accesible from the internet

> The other Windows PC remains configured to use DHCP.
> Is there something wrong until this step?

No, all is fine so far. Better yet, try to ping your windoze internal IP

> After this, I forwaded the ports 80 and 443 to the Xubuntu PC.
> When I type mi static ip (85.etc I think I better don't type it all
> here) in the web browser from the Windows machine, I get the router,
> NOT the Xubuntu server page  (Xampp).


I think I can solve if I eliminate some possible issues:

> 1) How to check if my router can't connect from 2 devices at same
> time?

First only use Ethernet, fuck of the USB.

> 2) How can I verify if my isp is blocking the needed ports? (someone
> said me it)

Most standard home internet plans block port 80 and other common ports.
Change apache to listen on a different port to test.

> 3) Or Maybe the approach is not the right?

Your approach is fine.


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