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Re: REALLY OT: News Flash

Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> wrote:
> >> FWIW I was raised in a "born again"  fundamentalist Christian family.
> >> None of the siblings remained in the faith. It was an intolerant way to
> >> live.
> > FWIW, there is a big difference between being raised in a born again
> > family and being born again yourself.  I'm sorry that your upbringing
> > was intolerant.  But realize, that there are also intolerant athiests
> > and intolerant agnostics and so on.
> NO THERE ARE NOT!!!!  You, you, you... you PULING SYCOPHANT!!!

Denomination, schemonimation. Christian, muslim, buddhist, or satanist, pray
to god every day and he will answer you. End of story.

These sorts of dichotomies are ruining what real god-loving people believe
god is all about. If we would all just remember that god is love, the mess
of racism, terrorism, and all those other words that end with "ism" wouldn't
exist in the first place.

I recently had the pleasure of attending this conference:


and I got to film the entire thing. The quality is mostly crapy, but you can
still see/hear everything that is going on. If this thread is still active
by the time I have it ready for distribution, I'll post the .torrent for you

	- Tyler

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