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Re: REALLY OT: News Flash

On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 11:55:04PM -0500, Stephen wrote:
> FWIW I was raised in a "born again"  fundamentalist Christian family.
> None of the siblings remained in the faith. It was an intolerant way to
> live.
FWIW, there is a big difference between being raised in a born again
family and being born again yourself.  I'm sorry that your upbringing
was intolerant.  But realize, that there are also intolerant athiests
and intolerant agnostics and so on.

It is not much different from working with a bunch of MS fanbois.  They
can be intollerant of your choice to use Linux, or they can realize that
you are able to make your own choices.  Now, they can present you with
the benefits as they see them, or they can focus on condemning you for
your choices.  There is a metaphor in there about flies, vinegar and
honey trying to break out.

Anyhow, like many things, people get carried away with their faith.  The
main problem with that is that faith plays a much more significant role
in life than your choice of OS.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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