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Re: Booting Debian/testing fails

On Sun, 04 Feb 2007 20:18:20 +0000
Chris Lale <chrislale@untrammelled.co.uk> wrote:

> Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> > [...]
> > So does this mean that the Debian community, while helpful to
> > newbies that know enough how to ask a question, would be happier if
> > newbies who don't just went to one of those projects instead?  

> I hope not! Perhaps we need a debian-newbie-users list? It would need 
> some more-experienced users prepared to monitor the list and offer 
> "gentle" advice. The NewbieDOC project used to have a list like this. 
> Unfortunately, it ceased to function as it lost a critical mass of 
> more-experienced users, and had to be closed a couple of years ago.

I suggested this myself about a year ago, but there are reasons not to
do this. One of them is the reason your own list didn't work.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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