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Can't Mount my USB Disk R/W [Was Slow USB disk]

L.V.Gandhi(lvgandhi@gmail.com) is reported to have said:

>I am running etch. For me, my usb flash gets mounted as readonly. I
> couldn't find any examples how to make it read write for the user. I get
> permissions as
> drwxr_xr_x lvgandhi root. still I am unable to write to it as user lvgandhi.
       ^  ^  No Group or User write permission

I have changed the subject as your problem had nothing to do with the
thread you hijacked.

You don't give enough information for anyone to help troubleshoot your
problem.  Where are you mounting it, is that mount point in
/etc/fstab, what does the mount command you are using look like, etc.

I have this in my fstab
/dev/sdb1    /media/usb5   ext3 rw,user,users,noauto,noatime,noauto 1   2

$ ls -ld /media/usb5
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 1.0K 2006-08-06 20:55 /media/usb5/
     ^    Group write permission
        ^  User Write permission

To mount it I do (as root or as user) mount /dev/sdb1, and the flash 
is mounted at /media/usb5.

I can read/write to the flash disk /media/usb5 as root or any user.

Please put a but more information into your quesations in the future.
You will get more, and faster answers, if you do.

:-) HTH, YMMV, HAND :-)


Unix IS user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.

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