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Re: config mixer device for aumix

On Sat, Sep 09, 2006 at 03:35:04PM +0000, 46kmz5j02@sneakemail.com wrote:
> [...]
> I put 'snd_mixer_oss' in /etc/modules, and now /dev/mixer is 
> created at boot.  However, I am concerned that this might not 
> be "The Debian Way" to do this, and might get broken again on a 
> future package or distribution upgrade.  Is there another way I
> should do this?
> Thank you for your assistance.

No, the way you are doing it is the correct way. Everything should be
fine when you upgrade.

Andreas Eriksson (TPC)
E-Mail: andreas@tpwch.com     Website: http://www.tpwch.com
Phone:  (+46) (0)75 4400 517  SIP:     (will be here soon)
Jabber: tpwch@jabber.org      IRC:     TPC on irc.freenode.net

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