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config mixer device for aumix

I upgraded from sarge to etch, and now console sound apps like 
aumix and mp3blaster won't work (sound apps work fine in X).  
During boot, the following message is displayed: 

"Restoring mixer settings: failed"

If I run 'aumix', it says "aumix:  error opening mixer".  The 
default mixer it is looking for, /dev/mixer, does not exist.  I 
looked around in /dev/ and found the following:

"crw-rw---- 1 root audio 14, 0 2005-02-26 01:39 /dev/.static/dev/mixer"

If I run 'aumix -d /dev/.static/dev/mixer', then it works as it
 should, even if I kill it and then just run 'aumix' without the 
'-d' option.  If I then shutdown or reboot, I see a message about 
the mixer and muting being saved.  However, on the next boot, 
it once again says: "Restoring mixer settings: failed".

I can get mp3blaster to work by including mixer and sound 
device settings in ~/.mp3blasterrc.  However, I can't 
find a way to save the mixer device setting for aumix.  The 
$HOME/.aumixrc and /etc/aumixrc files just seem to hold 
volume settings, not the mixer device setting.

I went to the url mentioned in the man page, 
http://lilax.org/wws/info/aumix-l , but there is nothing about 
aumix there, just some kind of "placeholder" search page.

I am using kernel 2.6.15-1-k7.  

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