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Re: psql command

Iuri Sampaio wrote:
'>'> The postgres commands doesn't work to an user account
 '>'> I already created the user on postgres
 '>'> desktop:~# su - postgres
 '>'> postgres@desktop:~$ createuser -a -d oacsbr
 '>'> and set on .bashrc
 '>'> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/usr/local/pgsql/lib:/usr/local/pgsql/lib
 '>'>pgsql/b in:/usr/local/pgsql/bin
 '>'> But somehow I can't run any commands such as
 '>'> oacsbr@desktop:~$ createdb -E UNICODE mytestdb
 '>'> -su: createdb: command not found
 '>'> oacsbr@desktop:~$ psql -l
 '>'> -su: psql: command not found
 '>'> oacsbr@desktop:~$ psql -l mytestdb.dmp mytestdb
 '>'> -su: psql: command not found
 '>'> Does anyone knows what I've missed?
'>'A small thing that I have overlooked more than once. You have to '>'run .bashrc after an edit, either by logging out and back in, or by '>'sourcing it on the command line.
 '>'~$   .   .bashrc
'>'-- '>'Bud Rogers <budr@netride.net> KD5SZ
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff D [mailto:fixedored@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 8:19 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: psql command

Iuri Sampaio wrote:
Thanks for remind me that, but I already did that, even boot over again
machine, turn off and turn on. Neither those worked out


ah ok, since you installed from a tarball .. you will probably have to add
/usr/local/pgsql/bin to your PATH ..

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