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Re: Hey, Steve! (WAS: Re: Pumping Gas in Oregon)

Paul Johnson wrote:
> The impression of impropriety in politics is as bad as impropriety itself.  
> I'm not going to go into detail, since if you weren't following the news for 
> the last six years, going over it again won't help you.

    Oddly enough, Paul, I have followed the news.  I have followed ALL the
news, not just a self-selected subset.

> But in summary, with a significant plurality of the population in this 

    Contrary to popular believe a significant plurality did speak and the
results are in accord with that.

> country, as well as the UN, saying there were things wrong with both the 

    The UN is insignificant.  For if *you* were watching the news in the past
6 years you would know that the UN has done nothing to curb the tide of
terrorism, it has been implicated in a massive money laundering scandal that
goes up to Kofi's son.  If it were a Republican President he would have been
roasted alive by the media.  Kofi gets a pass.  Even now there are
implications that Hezballah was given UN issue night vision goggles.  There
are reports that the UN "peacekeepers" knew Hezballah was arming and did
nothing.  UN "peacekeepers" are under orders *not* to fire.  The UN's own
charter prohibits any speech counter to the UN mission.  Does this sound like
an organization who's opinion is worth spit?

> If this 
> were any other country that had that problem, the US would be protesting the 
> election as not fair and safe right along with the UN.

    All of those were looked at and in pretty much every case refuted.
However, since those don't go in line with your world view you ignore them.
For example, the charge that blacks in Florida were disproportionately
rejected from voting stems from the fact that it was convicted felons, people
whom have lost their right to vote, were turned away.  Upon checking it was
found out that there were more *white* felons turned away than black.

> In the future, particularly if you vote, I strongly suggest paying more 
> attention to current events, or you're just part of the problem.

    I do keep up with current events.  I suggest that you start looking a
little further than just your little blindered world view, Paul.  You've been
proven wrong time and again.  Wisen up.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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