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Re: Pumping Gas in Oregon (WAS: Re: Osama Bin Laden Take Over List!)

Katipo wrote:
> Steve Lamb wrote:
>>    Yes, because Government has nothing better to do than fritter it's
>> citizens money on something that probably nets them no gain.  Sorry, that's a
>> huge negative in my book.

> That would seem to be somewhat inconsistent, coming from somebody that
> supposedly endorses open concepts?

    No, it isn't.  I do not believe in open concepts when they are provided by
the coercive force of government.  Debian and the many software projects it
encompasses is pretty much a VOLUNTEER effort that is FREELY given away.  One
rarely volunteer's for taxation and freely gives said money away.

>>    I don't see an N on the end of my name, El Kaputicano.

> Just because I speak up, with regard to preserving an open viewpoint,
> doesn't make me South American.

    Never said you were.  I can clearly see the .au at the end of your
address.  However your name, Kapito, reminded me of "Kaput" and I tacked on
icano and el for flavor to drive my point home.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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