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Re: Best Video Card

On Sun, 2006-04-16 at 01:28 +0200, Hans du Plooy wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 15:01 -0400, hendrik@topoi.pooq.com wrote:
> > I've seen reports that the free nv drivers are now as good as the 
> > proprietary nvidia drivers.  At lest some posters on some of the linux 
> > groups seem to think so.  Now maybe that's true only for a specific 
> > model of nvidia card, and not true in general.
> The nv driver is also developed by nVidia.  Basically it is the nvidia
> driver minus the stuff that nVidia cannot release (either because it is
> their trade secrets or it is technologies licenced from other venders).
> Either ways, the nv driver is very good, but basically lacs 3D.  If
> you're not going to do any gaming, then nv is fine.
> The ATI driver is *not* inferior to the nVidia driver, as many believe.
> It's simply not as simple to install.  Once installed the image quality
> and performance is every bit as good.
> Hans

I suggest you go to the blender3d/elysiun web sites -- ati users have a
much harder time getting there drivers to work decently -- there are
many threads dedicated to their trials and tribulations.


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