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Re: Why do people in the UK put a u in the word color?

--- Kamaraju Kusumanchi <raju.mailinglists@gmail.com>

> On Tuesday 11 April 2006 23:47, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > > With a u, you mean, of course...
> >
> > No, the *right* way.  Slow learners *and* bad
> spellers.  Sheesh...
> > No wonder your empire fell apart.
> Hi Ron Johnson
>   That is very rude to say on a public mailing list.
> I agree that everyone
> is entitled to their opinion. May be you are right
> and may be you are wrong.
> But this could potentially result in flame wars. May
> be you meant it in a
> funny way! But this is taking it too far. Not
> everyone might take it as you
> intended it to.
>     BTW, I am not british and I would have written
> this same email if you
> were to express your opinions about some other
> country. The point is
> debian-user is about helping Debian users and this
> kind of name calling is
> uncalled for.

See now, I *am* British and I did raise a wry smile.
Actually, in truth, I chortled heavily. I thought the
"fall of the Empire" post summed up this thread
splendidly. Of course, I'm a little surprised that our
happy cousins over the pond would *shorten* anything.
Surely "colour" is bigger, and must, by its very
nature, be better.

As for "aluminum"? Hehehehe. Brilliant.


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