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Re: DSL Howto?

Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
Mike McCarty wrote:

Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

Tell you  ISP that you have a computer running Windows 98 and that it
has a NIC but no USB ports, which  will clue them in that they need to
provide you with a DSL modem that has an ethernet plug on it.  After
that, you can just setup DHCP on your machine and plug it right in to
the DSL modem.

Yes, he *could* do that. However I strongly recommend against it.
I recommend putting a cheap router between the computer and the
DSL modem, even if no other computer is on the "network". That's
the way I run. This provides a nice firewall.


Regardless, most cable/DSL routers assume that you connect to your
cable/DSL modem through Ethernet.  Some providers are in the nasty habit

I didn't recommend against Ethernet, I recommended for it. Just
with a router.

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I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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