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Sarge installer for Mac Performa 6400/180 with 16MB RAM?


A user said she will bring a Macintosh Performa 6400/180 with
16MB RAM [1] to the installfest[2].

Will the sarge installer work with only 16 MB of RAM?

I would like to know whether I can manage to install sarge

I'm a little confused with this list of minimum recommended
requirements [3]:

 Install Type     RAM                   Hard Drive
 No desktop      24 megabytes     450 megabyte

Because it says:

 Depending on your needs, you might manage with less than some
 of the recommended hardware listed in the table below. However,
 most users risk being frustrated if they ignore these suggestions.

So my question is:

If I don't run services (perhaps a liteweight web server):

  Could I manage to install Debian sarge in this mac with only 16 MB of RAM?

I also wonder whether the user reported 16MB when the computer actually
has 24MB [3].




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