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Re: Using USB Memory-Stick with Debian - followup

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 07:49:31 +1100, Felix Karpfen wrote
(<[🔎] pan.2006.>):

> With the help of Google, I have located the following instructions
> for configuring Debian to recognise the presence of a USB Memory-Stick:


> Pointers to relevant documentation (that would enable amateurs to
> understand what is suggested in the recipe) would be welcome.


A belated thank you for the suggested pointers.  They taught me the
Linux vocabulary (usb-storage; flash-memory) which will make the next
step easier.

In the interval, I had opted to do a dist-upgrade of my (pre-release)
Sarge to Debian 3.1 r1.  And lost my ability to load XWindows.

That problem is now solved (bug #255744) - and I am ready to tackle
the the contents of dev HOWTO.

Felix Karpfen
Felix Karpfen

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