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kdeaddons install dependency problem (etch)

I do not have the kde meta-package installed, because I do not want kde-
amusements installed. All other components of the kde meta-package are 
installed... except kdeaddons, which is stuck.

Here's the result [1] of
# aptitude install kdeaddons

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kdeaddons: Depends: atlantikdesigner (>= 4:3.3.2-4) but it is not 
             Depends: kaddressbook-plugins (>= 4:3.3.2-4) but it is not 
             Depends: kate-plugins (>= 4:3.3.2-4) but it is not 
             Depends: kdeaddons-kfile-plugins (>= 4:3.3.2-4) but it is 
not installable
             Depends: kicker-applets (>= 4:3.3.2-4) but it is not 
             Depends: konq-plugins (>= 4:3.3.2-4) but it is not 
             Depends: ksig (>= 4:3.3.2-4) but it is not installable
             Depends: noatun-plugins (>= 4:3.3.2-4) but it is not 
             Depends: vimpart (>= 4:3.3.2-4) but it is not installable

If I then try
# aptitude install kdeaddons-kfile-plugins

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kdeaddons-kfile-plugins: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.3.2-4.0.2) but it 
is not installable
                           Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.4) but it is 
not installable

# aptitude install libqt3c102-mt
whereupon it wants to instigate Armageddon[1].

I presume that this last is because it tries to remove libqt3-mt

The same problem exists when I try to install kde and kde-amusements - 
not that I  want these packages. 

I've tried purging everything that might be have a bad reference, and 
performed apt-get -f install, as well as a fresh aptitude update, 
upgrade and dist-upgrade.

Any ideas how to fix?


# aptitude install libqt3c102-mt
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
The following packages are unused and will be REMOVED:
  artsbuilder cvs dirmngr docbook-defguide dosfstools gnupg-agent gnupg2
  gpgsm juk kaboodle kaudiocreator kdeartwork-emoticons kdeartwork-misc
  kdeartwork-theme-icon kdebase-data kdelibs-data
  kdemultimedia-kappfinder-data kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins 
  kmid kmix krec kscd ksysguardd libao2 libarts1-audiofile libarts1-
  libarts1-xine libartsc0 libbluetooth1 libflac7 libgadu3 libgle3
  libgnokii2 libgphoto2-2 libgphoto2-port0 libieee1284-3 libjack0.100.0-
  libjpeg-progs libksba8 libltdl3 libmad0 libmal1 libmodplug0c2
  libmusicbrainz4c2 liboggflac3 libopenct1 libopenexr2c2 libopensc1
  libpcsclite1 libperl5.8 libpth2 libraw1394-5 libsamplerate0 libsane
  libsensors3 libsnmp-base libsnmp9 libspeex1 libtag1c2 libtidy0
  libtiff-tools libtunepimp-bin libtunepimp2c2 libvorbisenc2 
  libxcomposite1 libxdamage1 libxfixes3 libxine1 menu-xdg mpeglib noatun
  perl-suid phpdoc poster quanta-data sane-utils tidy vorbis-tools
  wdg-html-reference xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl
The following packages will be automatically REMOVED:
  akode akregator ark arts cervisia dbus-qt-1c2 dcoprss gtk2-engines-
  kaddressbook kalarm kamera kandy kappfinder karm kate kcalc 
  kcoloredit kcontrol kcron kdat kde-core kde-i18n-engb kdeadmin
  kdeadmin-kfile-plugins kdeartwork kdeartwork-style
  kdeartwork-theme-window kdebase kdebase-bin kdebase-kio-plugins
  kdegraphics kdegraphics-kfile-plugins kdelibs kdelibs-bin kdelibs4c2
  kdelirc kdemultimedia kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork
  kdenetwork-filesharing kdenetwork-kfile-plugins kdepasswd kdepim
  kdepim-kfile-plugins kdepim-kio-plugins kdepim-kresources kdepim-
  kdeprint kdesktop kdessh kdeutils kdewebdev kdf kdict kdm kdvi kedit 
  kfilereplace kfind kfloppy kgamma kget kghostview kgpg khelpcenter
  khexedit kicker kiconedit kimagemapeditor kitchensync kjots 
  kleopatra klinkstatus klipper kmail kmailcvt kmenuedit kmilo kmrml
  knewsticker knode knotes kolourpaint kommander kompare konqueror
  konqueror-nsplugins konsole konsolekalendar kontact kooka kopete
  korganizer korn kpackage kpager kpdf kpersonalizer kpf kpilot 
  kppp krdc kregexpeditor krfb kruler krusader kscreensaver
  kscreensaver-xsavers ksim ksirc ksmserver ksnapshot ksplash ksvg
  ksynaptics ksync ksysguard ksysv ktimer ktip ktnef kuickshow kuser 
  kviewshell kwalletmanager kwifimanager kwin kxsldbg libarts1c2
  libcvsservice0 libkcal2b libkcddb1 libkdepim1a libkgantt0 
  libkmime2 libkonq4 libkpimexchange1 libkpimidentities1 libkscan1
  libksieve0 libktnef1 libmimelib1c2 libqt3-mt librss1 networkstatus
  pinentry-qt qt3-dev-tools quanta secpolicy smb4k
The following NEW packages will be installed:
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  akode akregator ark arts cervisia dbus-qt-1c2 dcoprss gtk2-engines-
  kaddressbook kalarm kamera kandy kappfinder karm kate kcalc 
  kcoloredit kcontrol kcron kdat kde-core kde-i18n-engb kdeadmin
  kdeadmin-kfile-plugins kdeartwork kdeartwork-style
  kdeartwork-theme-window kdebase kdebase-bin kdebase-kio-plugins
  kdegraphics kdegraphics-kfile-plugins kdelibs kdelibs-bin kdelibs4c2
  kdelirc kdemultimedia kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork
  kdenetwork-filesharing kdenetwork-kfile-plugins kdepasswd kdepim
  kdepim-kfile-plugins kdepim-kio-plugins kdepim-kresources kdepim-
  kdeprint kdesktop kdessh kdeutils kdewebdev kdf kdict kdm kdvi kedit 
  kfilereplace kfind kfloppy kgamma kget kghostview kgpg khelpcenter
  khexedit kicker kiconedit kimagemapeditor kitchensync kjots 
  kleopatra klinkstatus klipper kmail kmailcvt kmenuedit kmilo kmrml
  knewsticker knode knotes kolourpaint kommander kompare konqueror
  konqueror-nsplugins konsole konsolekalendar kontact kooka kopete
  korganizer korn kpackage kpager kpdf kpersonalizer kpf kpilot 
  kppp krdc kregexpeditor krfb kruler krusader kscreensaver
  kscreensaver-xsavers ksim ksirc ksmserver ksnapshot ksplash ksvg
  ksynaptics ksync ksysguard ksysv ktimer ktip ktnef kuickshow kuser 
  kviewshell kwalletmanager kwifimanager kwin kxsldbg libarts1c2
  libcvsservice0 libkcal2b libkcddb1 libkdepim1a libkgantt0 
  libkmime2 libkonq4 libkpimexchange1 libkpimidentities1 libkscan1
  libksieve0 libktnef1 libmimelib1c2 libqt3-mt librss1 networkstatus
  pinentry-qt qt3-dev-tools quanta secpolicy smb4k
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 239 to remove and 0 not 
Need to get 3045kB of archives. After unpacking 471MB will be freed.
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