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mozilla bookmarks font behaving weird


Since last few weeks, I am experiencing this weird problem in Mozilla on
Debain Testing running 2.6.12. When I click on a bookmarks folder either
on the bookmarks bar or on Bookmarks pull down menu, the highlighted
bookmarks is displayed in an extra large font (if bookmarks are of 12pt,
highlighted entry is displayed as say in 18pt font). This problem just
starts happening some random time after I start Mozilla. I am not sure
how to reproduce it though. But once it starts, I have to restart
Mozilla to get rid of it till it starts happening again.

Any suggestions how to deal with this?

$> dpkg -l mozilla* x*fonts* | grep ^i
ii  mozilla-browser                   1.7.8-1sarge2       The Mozilla
Internet application suite - cor
ii  mozilla-calendar                  1.7.8-1sarge2       Todo
organizer,calendar and reminder,integra
ii  mozilla-cascades                  0.4.0-2             A stylesheet
editor for Mozilla Composer
ii  mozilla-dom-inspector             1.7.8-1sarge2       A tool for
inspecting the DOM of pages in Mo
ii  mozilla-enigmail                  0.91-4              Enigmail - GPG
support for Mozilla MailNews
ii  mozilla-firebird                  0.8-12              lightweight
web browser based on Mozilla (du
ii  mozilla-firefox                   1.0.6-5             lightweight
web browser based on Mozilla
ii  mozilla-firefox-dom-inspector     1.0.6-5             tool for
inspecting the DOM of pages in Mozi
ii  mozilla-firefox-gnome-support     1.0.6-5             Support for
Gnome in Mozilla Firefox
ii  mozilla-firefox-locale-pa-in      1.0.4lang20050515-1 Mozilla
Firefox Punjabi language/region pack
ii  mozilla-mailnews                  1.7.8-1sarge2       The Mozilla
Internet application suite - mai
ii  mozilla-psm                       1.7.8-1sarge2       The Mozilla
Internet application suite - Per
ii  mozilla-thunderbird               1.0.2-3             Mozilla
Thunderbird standalone mail client
ii  mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail      0.91-4              Enigmail - GPG
support for Mozilla Thunderbi
ii  mozilla-thunderbird-offline       1.0.2-3             mozilla
thunderbird offline extension
ii  xfonts-100dpi                     6.8.2.dfsg.1-7      100 dpi fonts
for X
ii  xfonts-100dpi-transcoded          6.8.2.dfsg.1-7      100 dpi fonts
for X (transcoded from ISO 106
ii  xfonts-75dpi                      6.8.2.dfsg.1-7      75 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-75dpi-transcoded           6.8.2.dfsg.1-7      75 dpi fonts
for X (transcoded from ISO 1064
ii  xfonts-artwiz                     1.3-2               x11 fonts
created by Artwiz, TigerT, and Dan
ii  xfonts-base                       6.8.2.dfsg.1-7      standard fonts
for X
ii  xfonts-scalable                   6.8.2.dfsg.1-7      scalable fonts
for X

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