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Re: About chroot

On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 06:11:09PM -0400, Tong wrote:
> Hi, 
> Several questions about chroot.
> - I need to chroot into an alien system. I.e., I need to chroot into a 2.6
> kernel from my 2.4 kernel. Is that ok?
No, you chroot into a directory, not a kernel.  You may need something 
like User Mode Linux or qemu.

> - I heard all the fuzz about un/mounting the /proc, but I can't find any
> documents on that. Can somebody explains me why it is so critical, or give
> me a link to refer to please? 
If you don't have a /proc inside the chroot, you can't use ps or other 
commands that need /proc.

> - I need to apt-get from the chrooted system. but on my 1st attempt, I
> was not able to connect to outside, even ping. But all the documents I
> read (I'm remastering a live CD) didn't mention anything about the
> connection problem. Have I neglect something, or there is something to do
> before I can connect?
Did you have /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf in the chrooted system?
You might also use "apt-get -c" with a separate apt.conf file 
(man apt.conf, look for Dir::)

Knowledge, sir, should be free to all!
		-- Harry Mudd, "I, Mudd", stardate 4513.3

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