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Re: Setting up PostgreSQL on Debian...

On (13/06/05 17:45), Redefined Horizons wrote:
> I'm a little confused on this one.
> I chose to install PostgreSQL during the installation of Debian Sarge.
> Both PostgreSQL and pgAccess were installed.
> However, when I try to create a new database using pgAccess, I get the
> following error:
> "Tcl error executing
> pg_exec create
> database test
> is not a valid postgreSQL connection"
> Do I need to set up a PostgreSQL user before I can use pgAccess to
> create a database? Do I need to do this from the command line? (I
> didn't see a menu or command to do so in pgAccess.) I've used
> PostgreSQL on Windows successfully, but I set up the users with the
> Microsoft Installer for PostgreSQL, and I'm not sure how to accomplish
> this on my Debian system.

Hi Scott

IANE (I'm no expert) however, I recently set up postgresql.

By default postgresql installs with 'postgres' as the only valid
user initially.  On the server you need to do:
$ su
(enter root passwd)
# su postgres
(no passwd required)
$ createdb test
$ psql test

You are then in postgresql and you can create users etc. you will need
to create yourself with CREATEDB privileges and possibly CREATEUSER
privileges also.  I recommend 'Postgresql Introduction and Concepts' by
Bruce Momjian (available online):

I also use 'Practical Postgresql' (O'Reilly)

Have fun!



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