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Re: Installing Sarge -- Any reason to wait?

On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 03:24:28PM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
> I have two production systems that I've been working with.  Right now they are 
> on Mepis while I'm testing.  I want to change both over to straight Debian 
> for stability.  I know Sarge is due to be declared stable in about a week 
> (could that change?), but it might be easier for me to install in the next 
> day or two due to scheduling.  Is there any benefit to waiting to install 
> Sarge until after it goes stable?  If so, I'll wait, but if there's no real 
> reason, I'd rather install asap.  (And yes, I'll be getting security 
> updates.)

No real reason to wait.  I have already switched over a couple of
lightly loaded production servers with no issues.  The infrastructure is
already in place and the last few kinks are getting worked out.  You may
see the release pushed back, I consider that unlikely to happen again.
Everyone wants to see this release happen ASAP.

Just realize, that up until a few weeks after release you will be seeing
a higher-than-normal number of updates.  Up until the actual release,
there will be RC bug fixes and documentation updates.  After the
release, there will be a strong focus on getting at any lagging security
updates.  After that, things should settle down nicely.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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