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Re: How to unsubscribe

Michael Marsh wrote:
> On 4/28/05, Keziah W <keziahw@gmail.com> wrote:
>>I just posted twice, and neither got the unsubscription message attached to
>> I know the mesage is not there at all - I have gmail, so I can view the
>>original, unfiltered message by clicking "Show original" - and it's
>>definitely not attached to either message. (I pasted it into the first as a
> Interestingly, your messages _do_ get the standard .sig, probably
> because you're sending mail with multipart/alternative text and html
> segments, so there's an obvious end to a MIME-encapsulated section. 
> I'm willing to believe that Gmail is doing the wrong thing with
> single-part mail.
> Here's the full message that you sent, as received by me:
> ....snip....

I use Thunderbird(TB) to read the list emails. A little bit of search
did show me something which may explain why I didn't get the unsubscribe
signature at the end of signed messages(normal view).

For pgp signed messages, the headers show that the content-type
is(message-id I'm using <[🔎] 20050427235439.GB3342@mauritsvanrees.xs4all.nl>):

Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;
	protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="wRRV7LY7NUeQGEoC"

And the unsubscribe signature falls out of the boundary delimiters,
--wRRV7LY7NUeQGEoC in this case. The starting of the signed messages
contains the following headers:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Which gives me the entire content within those delimiters in my message
read window. Nothing after the last "--wRRV7LY7NUeQGEoC--" is printed in
the viewing pane.

As for gmail, I notice that emails from them have different
content-type, for example:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1  --> Has no unsubscribe

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
	boundary="----=_Part_3926_26680682.1114700845120"  --> has unsubscribe
signature but not visible in TB. Similar to the way the signed messages
don't show it.

Now it is interesting that both messags from gmail are ascii text
messages but with different content types. I don't know why they have
different content-types though!


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