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Re: backup web server - sync

Alvin Oga wrote:
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, Kevin Coyner wrote:

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 05:47:10PM -0800, Alvin Oga wrote......

you will also need to pull down your new database entries in SFO/SJ
boxes back inside ... ( it's good and bad to pull "insecure" data from
outside to inside, but on the other hand, you dont want your outside
browers to have access to inside DB either )

So let's say both boxes are up and serving web pages.  And part of that
includes a mysql DB where websurfers can input their names/email

Wow.  For a setup like this you probably want Postgres and not MySQL.

trivial .. sorta ..

at the time they register or add/delete/change their info in the db,
you automtically update the other server too and record tehir activities
in case of some script telling it to erase its db entries
	- your script will act like a user entering data

	- you can also tell new entry changes that it will take
	5min or 5 hrs for changes to be propagated later, when you
	lock it down and move changes around to all the db copies
	and than let it get back to normal mode

you probably do NOT want to sync the db after its been modified
to the other server

it's where "some forethought" comes in .. vs slapp it together :-0
amd restricting things so that it doesnt break under real use

My understanding is that there is an effort underway to get no kidding
enterprise-level replication into Postgres and that they are having
good results up to now.  Even to the point that some sites have it in
produciton.  I don't know the details, but a Google search for postgres
and repication would probably yield some good information.

If you don't think MySQL can be a problem, then go read about the
problems Wikimedia just had when the power in their data center went
out.  What should have been a 5 minute down period turned into something
like half a day or longer before the were back at full capacity.  All
because the MySQL servers got trashed.  Not good.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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