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Re: backup web server

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 05:47:10PM -0800, Alvin Oga wrote......

> you will also need to pull down your new database entries in SFO/SJ
> boxes back inside ... ( it's good and bad to pull "insecure" data from
> outside to inside, but on the other hand, you dont want your outside
> browers to have access to inside DB either )

So let's say both boxes are up and serving web pages.  And part of that
includes a mysql DB where websurfers can input their names/email
addresses.  Since both boxes are live, some DB entries will be made in
SFO and some in SJ depending upon which box the webserver was directed
to by DNS.  How do you sync the DB's?  I'm familiar with mysqldump as a
means of backing up, but not sure what you mean by 'pull down'.  AFAIK
mysqldump doesn't have a means of appending new data.  It just
overwrites.  If I'm trying to 'pull' new DB entries from both servers
back to a local box, I think I need to append that data.

Thanks again and again.


Kevin Coyner  GnuPG key: 1024D/8CE11941  http://rustybear.com/pubkey.php

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