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Re: Xlib error messages when running mc as root

Tom Pfeifer wrote:
Not a major problem here, but would appreciate it if anyone has some
insight as to what might be going on.

Running Sarge - here's the sequence of events:

- running X as normal user
- open xterm (or rxvt) window
- su to root
- run 'mc' (midnight commander)
- exit from 'mc'
- the following is displayed in the xterm:

newdebian:/home/tompfr# mc
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Invalid XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 key (failed key comparison)

On another machine, also running Sarge, the same basic thing happens,
but the 2nd Xlib error message is different:

debiantt:/home/tompfr# mc
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

The first machine is using xdm, the 2nd kdm.

In both cases, this just started happening recently - I'd say within the
past week. I update Sarge fairly often, usually 2 or 3 times a week. For
reference, I have another Sarge install on the same machine as the first
case above. That was last updated on Feb 12 and doesn't show this
I can get this to stop happening in 2 ways:
1) Start the X session from 'startx' rather than via a display manager
2) Run the following command in the xterm before the su to root:
   export XAUTHORITY=/home/tompfr/.Xauthority

Try this:


If function, you reconfigure xdm or kdm, When you updated your sarge you have deleted old configuration files, maybe.

But this way of running 'mc' has always worked before without doing
anything special, so I'm wondering what changed.  I'm pretty sure this
came about after a recent package update, or after I installed some new
packages. I've added several lately, in particular digikam and all it's
dependencies were added to both installations.
I can probably track it down by working forward from the older install
(without the problem), but again, if anyone can offer some information on what causes that type of error message, I'd really appreciate it.


Francesco Cioffi
Linux User id #340148 (http://counter.li.org)
Debian GNU/Linux user (http://www.debian.org)
Universita` del Sannio di Benevento (http://www.grace.ing.unisannio.it)
SannioLUG (http://www.sanniolug.org)

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