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Re: Xlib error messages when running mc as root

On Sat, Feb 26, 2005 at 01:27:39PM -0500, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
> - running X as normal user
> - open xterm (or rxvt) window
> - su to root
> - run 'mc' (midnight commander)
> - exit from 'mc'
> - the following is displayed in the xterm:
> newdebian:/home/tompfr# mc
> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: Invalid XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 key (failed key comparison)

> But this way of running 'mc' has always worked before without doing
> anything special, so I'm wondering what changed.  I'm pretty sure this
> came about after a recent package update, or after I installed some new
> packages. I've added several lately, in particular digikam and all it's
> dependencies were added to both installations. 

I have also noticed that 'mc' tries to use 'X' if it the 'DISPLAY'
variable has been set. This started happening some time ago, probably
due to an update of 'mc'. My solution is running 'DISPLAY= mc' when


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