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Re: mutt instability?

On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 12:23:31PM +0000, Richard Lyons wrote:
> I have mutt on two machines at different locations, accessing the same
> imap server.  I copied the muttrc files from the first to the second
> box.  On the first box (running sid), mutt crashes out frequently 
> (ranging from 3 times a day to once every 3 minutes) with an error 
> message which is something like:
>    socket error - A TLS package of unexpected length was received
> (from memory)
> On the second box (sarge), it usually, but not always, runs smoothly 
> for a whole day without problem.  So I now realize it may not be 
> inherently unstable, but I do not know what to look for to trace the 
> problem.

There are several reports of mutt crashing or freezing on imap access.
See http://bugs.debian.org/mutt. Specifically the following bug
reports may be related:


The first one was closed January 29th this year.

I myself am also experiencing mutt crashes (and one freeze):
but that seems to be a different problem.

If you think your problem is related, consider supplying extra info to
an existing bug report, preferably with package reportbug.

Some of the bug reports suggest running valgrind (Debian package
valgrind) to track down the source of the problem:

If you have the time. Could you please run valgrind on the problem?

valgrind --tool=memcheck --run-libc-freeres=no --num-callers=10 \
	--show-reachable=yes --leak-check=yes --error-limit=no \
 	--log-file=/tmp/valgrind /path/to/mutt

Mutt won't crash anylonger after you run it inside of valgrind and it
will be a little bit slower. However the logfiles which should be
somewhere in /tmp/valgrind.pid after the run will reveal the
originatior of the the problem. Would be nice if you could take the
time and valgrind it.


(BTW, mutt can still crash in valgrind.)


Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
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