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Re: trouble installing kde

> Try something other than KDE to get started.
> "apt-get install icewm"
> then create/edit ~/.xinitrc and put the single line "icewm" in and then
> "startx".
> If that doesn't work, the problem is with X, not KDE.
> If that does work, then try installing KDE; "apt-get install kde".
The problem is kde (-package), that seams to be a fact. My situation: I have 
kdm as only display manager, it is started by the init scripts and it says 
ok. But it does not start anything. When I call it once again, I get the 
login manager, but can't login. When I call startx, kde starts like it 
should. But if I close it and start it again, the system (kde and/or x) 
hangs. I have to reboot to start X again. 

Until now I tried the testing and the unstable tree. (I saw this behaviour of 
kde now at least 3 times in the list, seams critical to me).

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