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Re: Problems with SID, postfix 2.1.1, amavis after update

Jochen Kaechelin wrote:
warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtp: bad command startup -- throttling
Jun 6 17:30:30 laptopjkt postfix/qmgr[3066]: warning: premature end-of-input on private/smtp-amavis socket while reading input attribute name Jun 6 17:30:30 laptopjkt postfix/qmgr[3066]: warning: private/smtp-amavis socket: malformed response Jun 6 17:30:30 laptopjkt postfix/qmgr[3066]: warning: transport smtp-amavis failure -- see a previous warning/fatal/panic logfile record for the problem description

/me wonders when people will learn to actually *read* the log files,
instead of/in addition to cut-n-pasting them to email...

What's the previous message from postfix/smtp[XXX]?  You cut the
log right at the useful information, which is right above the lines
you quoted.

any suggestions?

Yes: read the damn log files.  On the previous line(s).

BTW, looks like The New Helpful Warning (tm) ("see a previous
warning/fatal/panic logfile record for the problem description"),
while provides useful information, is still somewhat misleading...
Because in this case, 3 previous "warning/fatal/panic" log entries
(two from qmgr and yet another one from master - incomplete in
this example) are not helpful, and the problem is yet above those
3 entries...  Looks like it's master who should log this "see
previous ..." message when delivery agent dies.


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