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Re: Still cannot install the nvidia driver-SOLVED-ADDITIONAL

well...it's good to hear that you've got rid of it .
I just want to add ( or change ) some additional step
which I did last couple day when i reinstall the
Beside you can go with init1, you probably need to run
it under init3 if you want the device mapper included
in the proccess.
But you should prevent X not to run under init3. It
can be done by, simply, rename your 'dm' (xdm or kdm
or gdm) in /etc/init.d. ( in my case i renamed my gdm
to gdm-dude :D ). the rest steps is the same...


--- Yuen Sum Ng <james_nghk_debian_user@yahoo.com.hk>
> Hi all,
>     I solve the problem now. The main problem is
> that
> I have not the package module-init-tools. Therefore,
> the following error message keeps appearing:
> QM_MODULES: Funnction not implemented
>     After I have installed the module-init-tools,
> then
> under the instruction of welly hartanto:
> Welly writes the following:
> debian box sid 2.6.5 and
>  NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5336-pkg1.run. Doing :
>  -   ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5336-pkg1.run
>  --extract-only
>  -   cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5336.pkg1
>  -   as root doing : make install
>  -   edit /etc/inittab and change default runlevel
> to
>      1.
>  -   reboot
>  -   cd to the directory where the NVIDIA...pkg1.run
>      is extracted.
>  -   ./nvidia-installer
>  -   the installer suggest to change runlevel to 3.
>      in my case, I didn't do what it suggest and go
>      on with runlevel 1 by answering 'No'.
>  -   the installer said that there's no kernel      
>      interfaces and suggest to download...say 'NO' !
>  -   the installer than built its own kernel
>      interface for 2.6.5, just wait and see untill
> all
>       process done.
>  -   change runlevel via /etc/inittab to 5 ( or
>      whatever you wish )
>  -   reboot.
> DON'T FORGET : edit the XFree config file as
> discribe
> in README. ( add Load "glx" remove Load "dri" and
> "GLcore", change driver "nvidia" )
>  Have a nice tuxrace..... 
>     Then no error message appears, and the nvidia
> driver have installed successfully.
>     Thank you for all guiding me to the solution.
> Regards,
> James Ng
> ¥²±þ§Þ¡B¶¼ºq¡B¤p¬P¬P...
> ®öº©¹aÁn  ±¡¤ß³sô
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