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Re: lm-sensors

Alex Lorca wrote:
hi all

i'm trying to install lm-sensors in a debian woody 2.4.25
i made:

- apt-get lm-sensors-source i2c-source
- unpack and make-kpkg modules-image
- install the .debs
- run sensors-detect and detected the following:

# 2C adapter drivers
# modprobe unknown adapter Philips Parallel port adapter using Bit-shift
# algorithm
# modprobe unknown adapter Philips Parallel port adapter using Bit-shift
# algorithm
# I2C chip drivers

but when i run /etc/init.d/modutils:

Calculating module dependencies... done.
Loading modules: usb-uhci input usbkbd keybdev acm modprobe: Can't
locate module acm
CDCEther modprobe: Can't locate module CDCEther
ntfs cmpci ide-scsi usbnet modprobe: Can't locate module usbnet
ipx i2c-viapro max6650 modprobe: Can't locate module max6650
saa1064 modprobe: Can't locate module saa1064
smbus-arp asb100 modprobe: Can't locate module asb100

where can i find those modules??
is ther other package to install??

I do it manually. I roll my own kernel with the Backstreet Ruby patch, so I end up with kernel 2.4.25.

Then I untar lm-sensors.tar. gz into the /usr/src directory. This has all the supported modules in it.

Then I run make-kpkg --revision 1 kernel_image modules_image from the /usr/src/linux-2.4.25 dir. It runs very quick because I only load the modules I need which are very few.

I have set previous to this @gcc->gcc-2.95 because the lm-sensors modules have string constants in them that span several lines, to which all later compilers complain, but not 2.95.

This produces 2 debs in the /usr/src dir and I just dpkg -i them.
The modules one will spawn a bunch of unresolved symbols but not when you boot the kernel.

Then I install:
*********	dpkg -i i2c-2.4.25-1-386
*********	dpkg -i lm-sensors
*********	dpkg -i libsensors1
*********	dpkg -i libsnesors-dev

(The reason I do dpkg is because I only have the first 6 Sarge CD's and these debs are beyond that... :-()

This gives me access to the data that is generated by the lm-sensors modules.

I have written 2 Qt apps that use the data: one a wmmaker style display that sits in a fvwm wharf that displays 3 things: fan speed, CPU temp and mobo temp.

Second a Qt app that dumps CPU temp to a db and one that digs it out of there to display it.

You can see jpeg's of that one here: http colon slash slash esquipulas dot homeunix dot com slash modtempdisp dot nz dot jpeg

and: http colon slash slash esquipulas dot homeunix dot com slash modtempdisp dot zoom dot jpeg


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