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Re: What happened to the Compose Key?

On Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 01:52:26PM +0000, Adam Funk wrote:
> How could I get my right alt key (which as far as I can tell does
> nothing at present) to imitate the left alt key?

I have ~/.Xmodmap containing:

keycode 0x40 = Alt_L
keycode 0x71 = Alt_L

However this doesn't seem to be a complete solution. It works for
enabling either Alt key to be used in Ctrl-Alt-F<n> combinations to
switch VCs. But Alt-F to access the File menu, for example, has to be
left Alt (in eg. mozilla and kword), and Alt-left-mouse-button to drag
a window (in blackbox) also has to be left Alt.

It seems the most complete solution is to dismantle the keyboard and
rewire the right Alt key in parallel with the left Alt. With an IBM
Model M, which is held together internally with sort of plastic spikes
with the ends melted over, this is, er, easier said than done. Which
is a pain.


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