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IPCP: timeout sending Config-Requests

Hi Debians
I'm new to Debian(Woody) kernel 2.4.18 and I'm trying to use Globetrotter GPRS PC card(modem) to connect to Internet.
It has been a never ending struggle.I created suitable chatscript and optionfile  using pppconfig 2.0.10
and the first time I pon my provider I get the following messages:
CSLIP: code ....etc.. PPP generic driver version 2.4.1
PPP BSD Compression module registered
I then try to connect:
pon My_provider
afterwards I trace the connection
tail /var/log/messages:
--got it
send (\d)
Serial connection established.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS18 (now ttyS1)
Remote message: TTP Com PPP- Password Verified OK
IPCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Connection terminated.
Hangup (SIGHUP)
I've  even tried to wvdial and received:
PPP daemon has died. (exit code = 2)
Can you pleeease help.

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