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Re: Microsoft Truetype fonts not working now?


Anthony Campbell (<ac@acampbell.org.uk>) wrote:

> I just tried to install Microsoft TrueType fonts on my laptop via the
> msttcorefonts package. All seemed to go off correctly and the fonts
> appeared where expected in
> /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType/ I also modified
> /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 as instructed to reflect the above path. I also
> tried "xset fp rehash".
> However, the fonts do not show up with xfontsel and when starting X I
> get an error message about not being able to init the above path.

Maybe there is no fonts.scale and/or fonts.dir file in that directory.
Install the ttmkfdir package, run the command in your true type fonts
directory, and use fonts.dir and fonts.scale for the output.

> Does this mean that Microsoft has inactivated these fonts so that they
> no longer work?

Microsoft has inactivated the fonts a long time ago. Luckily the license
allows other people to distribute them. Since Woody r1 the fonts are
downloaded from sourceforge.

best regards
        Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen <andreas.janssen@bigfoot.com>
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674
Registered Linux User #267976

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