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Re: Problem getting sound to work

On Sun, 08 Feb 2004 09:16:36 +0100, Andreas Janssen wrote:

>Mark Healey (<deblist@healeyonline.com>) wrote:
>> On Sat, 07 Feb 2004 09:18:24 -0600, Kent West wrote:
>>>Mark Healey wrote:
>>>>On Fri, 06 Feb 2004 22:21:09 +0100, Andreas Janssen wrote:
>>>>>Mark Healey (<deblist@healeyonline.com>) wrote:
>>>>>>I have no sound.
>>>>>>When I boot knoppix it uses via82cxxx_audio and works.  I have that
>>>>>>module installed so I added the line to my "via82cxxx_audio" to my
>>>>>>/etc/modules.  Still no sound.
>>>>>>What do I check next?
>>>>>Check if you are in the audio group, and if the channels are
>>>>How do I do those?  It also doesn't work as root.  And, another bit
>>>>of information.  When I try system sounds there is nothing.  When I
>>>>try xmms it hangs (xmms, not the system).
>>>In a terminal logged in as yourself, type "groups" to see what groups
>>>you're in.
>>>What kernel are you using ("uname -a")?
>> 2.4.18-bf2.4
>>>What modules do you have loaded ("lsmod")?
>> Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: P
>> via82cxxx_audio        18144   1
>> ac97_codec              9568   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
>> soundcore               3236   2  [via82cxxx_audio]
>> bcm4400                29180   1
>> hpfs                   61408   0  (unused)
>> keybdev                 1664   0  (unused)
>> input                   3072   0  [keybdev]
>> usb-uhci               20708   0  (unused)
>> usbcore                48032   0  [usb-uhci]
>>>What's the output of "lspci" in regard to your sound card?
>> [...]
>> 3177 00:11.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev
>> 06) 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC97
>> Audio Controller (rev 50)
>>>Use a mixer program (kmix, amix, aumix, GnomeMixer, etc) to make sure
>>>your volume is not muted/too low.
>> I couldn't find any of these instlled.  I tried
>> "apt-get install GnomeMixer" and was told it doesn't exist.
>It is not included in Woody. If you use Gnome in Woody, try gmix
>instead. It is in the gnome-media package.

That was a disaster.  I installed the package and there were no
errors.  I then typed gmix and the the top and bottom task bars
stopped responding to mouse clicks or redrawing when something is
placed over them and subsequently moved.  Fortunately I still had the
terminal window open and was able to shutdown.  Upon restarting and
relogining the control center and terminal window were open again but
not indicated in the bottom taskbar.  Again the bottom taskbar wasn't
responding to mouse clicks.

I uninstalled gnome-media and the problem persists.

This problem doesn't exist if I login as a normal user.

As it stands now if I login as root the control center and a terminal
window are open and the task bars at the top and bottom are useless so
the only way I know of to logout is to shutdown and then login as a
normal user.

It looks like some gnome settings got hosed.

This is starting to feel alot like working on a Windows machine.

What I need to know now is how do I get the gnome settings for the
root account back to where they were before this started.

Please leave this.  It is a filter term.
Mark Healey
Don't bothor CCing or emailing this address.  Since spammers seem to be harvesting this
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ASUS A87V8X mobo w AMD Athalon
	Broadcom 4401 onboard nic
	with static IP Address
ATI All-In-Wonder 9700 Video card.
	Sampo Alphascan 17mx monitor
	using the "vesa" module

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