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Re: udev and gnome-volume-manager not working in Sarge

Apparently, _Steve Lamb_, on 15/12/04 15:01,typed:
H. S. wrote:

er.. I do not have this file. I also don't have pam installed:

Well, you're right about one of the two. ;) You have pam installed. What you've done is like doing a search for ncurses, seeing libncurses and saying you have no ncurses installed.

$> ls /etc/logindevperm

It's a part of libpam-devperm. I guess that's a Progeny default. devperm is a plugin for pam which manipulates the permissions of files when a person logs into an associated terminal. For example here if I log into :0 devperm chowns all audio and video devices to me so that they work right off the bat. I'm not sure where this discussion started but maybe devperm is what you're looking for to solve your problem? :D

I have two Sid machines running here. Both do not have
libpam-devperm package intalled, yet both have a consistent ownership of /dev/hd? devices (CDROM and/or CDRW) of root:cdrom. Had devperm been the culprit, wouldn't the permissions be reset in those machines as well?


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