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Re: Partition Resizing

At Monday, 13 December 2004, Harland Christofferson <debian-user@zerocrossings.
com> wrote:

>At Monday, 13 December 2004, Dave Ewart <davee@sungate.co.uk> wrote:
>>To be honest, I'm not sure.  If you were planning to re-partition and
>>fdisk, then you'll be backing up anyway ... So, do you backup, 
then try
>>qtparted :-)
>>Dave Ewart - davee@sungate.co.uk - jabber: davee@jabber.org
>>All email from me is now digitally signed, key from http://www.
>Well, it is a raid1 mirror anyway. In a previous post, I explained 
>that I noticed the partition table was incorrect about a week ago.
>I cfdisk-ed it and reformatted the partitions i recreated w/ cfdisk.
>After I copied the data from /dev/hda back onto /dev/hdc, I started 
>mdadm. During the resynching process, the partitions for hdc1 and 
>hdc2 got messed up ... again. 
>I hope to get to this again later tonight.

Well, a _funny_ thing happened. I took the system down this a.m. 
to put another drive in (/dev/hdd) so I could backup data from /dev/hda.
After reboot, partitioning /dev/hdd and formating /dev/hdd partitions,
I  fdisk -l /dev/hdc (and all drives for that matter) and I was 
surprised to see that the partition table is now correct after rebooting 
-- hdc was the drive that previously had the hdc1 and hdc2 partitions 
defined across cylinder boundaries.  

Can anyone explain this?


Zero Crossings, Inc. -- Embedded and Digital Signal Processing Systems


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