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Re: Chaning GNOME Icon Size

On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 23:31 -0500, Bruce Park wrote:
> Eric Gaumer wrote:
> > You can adjust the size of icons in the gtkrc file under the theme you
> > are currently using and/or the index.theme file under the icon theme
> > itself.
> I don't have any files other than .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2.
> Inside this, it just links to : include "/home/bpark/.gtkrc.mine"
> I guess GNOME really wanted to make this modular? I don't have this file either. Can 
> you tell me what man page to look up for the syntax for the gtkrc files?
> By the way, what is up with all these broken up things in GNOME. Eversince I did an 
> upgrade, it's been a nightmare when it comes to small things like this. I really like 
> Debian but it seems like I'm spendin a lot more time trying to fix minor and major 
> issues rather than enjoying them.
> bp

The default themes are in /usr/share/themes/

Inside the theme directory you are using, should be a gtkrc file for
that theme. You can adjust icon sizes in there.

There is no man page for the format, you just have to google for a
how-to on GNOME themes. It should be pretty obvious to only adjust the
icon sizes though.

What theme are you using? 

Eric Gaumer <gaumerel@ecs.fullerton.edu>

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