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Re: Chaning GNOME Icon Size

On Sun, 2004-12-12 at 19:19 -0500, Bruce Park wrote:
> In attempt to change the GNOME icon size, I did the following, Applications->Desktop 
> Preferences->File Management Preferences.
> Under the "Icon View Defaults" I change this to 75%. Both of the checkboxes right 
> below are unchecked.
> Now, desktop and Nautilus seem to be fine but when I use the "Run Application" most 
> of the icons are big again.
> Is this a Debian problem or GNOME problem?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.

You can adjust the size of icons in the gtkrc file under the theme you
are currently using and/or the index.theme file under the icon theme

I'm working on an application that creates gnome icon themes. It is
called GiB (Gnome Iconset Builder). It's still in its infancy but does
currently work. It will automatically resize icons and build the
supporting index.theme file for you.

deb ftp://corp.primenetwork.net/debian/ prime contrib
deb-src ftp://corp.primenetwork.net/debian prime contrib

]$ apt-get update
]$ apt-get install gib


I'd be interested in any feedback from you artists out there. I have
packages for both x86 and PPC. GiB is written in GTK# and requires mono.
The package should pull down all the required dependencies from Debian

Eric Gaumer <gaumerel@ecs.fullerton.edu>

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