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Re: Chaning GNOME Icon Size

On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 11:31:05PM -0500, Bruce Park wrote:
> By the way, what is up with all these broken up things in GNOME. Eversince 
> I did an upgrade, it's been a nightmare when it comes to small things like 
> this. I really like Debian but it seems like I'm spendin a lot more time 
> trying to fix minor and major issues rather than enjoying them.

That's why they call it unstable.
The change from 2.0 to 2.2 was a lot worse.
Used to cuss at them a lot.

FWIW, my .gtk*, .gnome* files are cached from at least last spring, and 
I've been running Sid the whole time, and it hasn't barfed.

If it's totally horked just backup your files in your home dir, delete 
that user, delete that homedir, add your user back, and start over 

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